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What We Believe

As a church, we hold to the historic truths of Christianity, the Sovereignty of God, man's universal problem of sin, Jesus' substitutionary atoning work on the cross, man's need for repentance and confession of Jesus as Savior and Lord, a final judgment, and the reality of heaven and hell.


These truths, along with others, are the unifying factors that move us forward in fulfilling the Great Commission given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ to go into the world and make disciples for the glory of God.

Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Peter 2:9


To understand more of what We Believe and the truths that we teach, we refer to "The Baptist Faith and Message 2000."

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Our Team

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John Askew

Lyndon Askew

Paul Askew

Curtis Chambers

Dane Hobbs

Doug Lilley

Dylan Lilley

Paul Lilley

Matt Lowe

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